
Important Dates

Full Paper
Submission Deadline:

31 January 2025
07 February 2025 (AoE)

Notification to authors:
02 March 2025

Camera ready version:
23 March 2025

Author Registration Deadline:
30 March 2025

Conference dates:
02 – 04 June 2025

General chair
Jürgen Mottok


Georg Hagel

International Program Committee
Alexander Bartel
Paula Bartel
Andreas Gegenfurtner
Christian Wolff
Dieter Landes
Florian Hauser
Friedhelm Stappert
Georg Hagel
Gero Wedemann
Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu
Joerg Abke
Lynsay Shepherd
Marco Kuhrmann
Matthias Längrich
Patricia Brockmann
Ramin Tavakoli Kolagari
Thanwadee Sunetnanta
Ralf Reißing
Axel Böttcher
Volkhard Pfeiffer
Rebecca Reuter
Isabel John
Maria Pinto-Albuquerque
Chris Porter
Handan Gul Calikli
Bonita Sharif
Zohreh Sharafi
Joana Minga
Josef Pichler
Roman Bednarik
Olivier Barais
Thomas Kriza
Ebba Þóra Hvannberg
Jorge Melegati Goncalves
Andreas Prinz
Simona-Claudia Motogna
Jaroslav Porubän
Antoni-Lluís Mesquida
Gert Kanter
Dan Mircea Suciu
Oleksandra Yeremenko
Antonio Crespí Tobeña
Elton Domnori
Mazyar Seraj
Maria Monserrat Barceló
Ahmet Özmen
Premek Brada
Dominik Fröhlich
Amal Mersni
Igli Hakrama
Vasilica Moldovan
Stefan Wagner
Mykhailo Dombrovskyi
Laura Cernau
Birgit Penzenstadler
Isabella Graßl

Special Session Eye Tracking
Florian Hauser
Jürgen Mottok


OTH Regensburg
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mottok

Publicly funded project

02 – 04 June 2025, Seeon Monastery, Germany

Welcome to the European Conference of Software Engineering Education!

Software Engineering (SE) is an important discipline and it is part of almost all curricula in Computer Science of universities.

Challenges in today’s software development industry include increasing system complexity, project management, shorter development cycles, shorter time to market, dealing with continuous changes, integration, and deployment and expected high quality of the software.

As educators we are challenged to keep up with the emerging trends, to identify suitable software engineering techniques, andto incorporate them into our class offerings.
Software engineering education has to deal with these challenges. How can we prepare students or employees for these challenges?

What are best practices to help them to work in different domains, ranging from app development for mobile devices to the development of really big applications for mainframe systems, from game development to working on highly secure systems?

How can we support students in their student life cycle and how can we prepare them for lifelong learning?

How can we ensure that future software engineers meet industrial needs, with respect to technical as well as soft skills?

We invite high-quality submissions of research papers describing original and unpublished results of software engineering education research.
We welcome submissions addressing topics across the full spectrum of software engineering education.


Oct 24: The Call for Papers is now online! To view it click here:
Call for Papers

Jan 25: The Paper Submission Deadline has been extended to February 07, 2025!

Note: all the deadlines are AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time. AoE time is 12 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).